A Mother's Foundation Wilson Avenue Technology Architects
The Mission
Our mission is to connect humanity by uplifting communities, neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, children, young people as well as mothers, and women of all ages to succeed and are confident in today's ever-challenging society by delivering laptops, smart tablets, and connectivity to those in need, providing digital inclusion to all those who don't have the resources or access.
The Wilson Avenue Innovation Center will accomplish this by providing the following:
1) Providing computer tech resources and access to laptops, tablets, and connectivity to our struggling community and our remote areas..
2) Providing help desk tech support and computer electronic refurbishing services.
We can deliver these services by working with our local schools, community centers, hospitals, and other organizations.
Giving these individuals access to these tools will provide them with the necessary skills to succeed in their relationships, home lives and professional pursuits.
These technical and practical skills that they acquire will be essential in building a better nation, global community and more importantly a sanctuary in their own home.